This is the complete list of members for TestOutput, including all inherited members.
detectEnvironment enum value (defined in TestOutput) | TestOutput | |
dotCount_ (defined in TestOutput) | TestOutput | protected |
eclipse enum value (defined in TestOutput) | TestOutput | |
flush() (defined in TestOutput) | TestOutput | virtual |
getWorkingEnvironment() (defined in TestOutput) | TestOutput | static |
operator=(const TestOutput &) (defined in TestOutput) | TestOutput | protected |
print(const char *) (defined in TestOutput) | TestOutput | virtual |
print(long) (defined in TestOutput) | TestOutput | virtual |
print(const TestFailure &failure) (defined in TestOutput) | TestOutput | virtual |
printBuffer(const char *)=0 (defined in TestOutput) | TestOutput | pure virtual |
printCurrentGroupEnded(const TestResult &res) (defined in TestOutput) | TestOutput | virtual |
printCurrentGroupStarted(const UtestShell &test) (defined in TestOutput) | TestOutput | virtual |
printCurrentTestEnded(const TestResult &res) (defined in TestOutput) | TestOutput | virtual |
printCurrentTestStarted(const UtestShell &test) (defined in TestOutput) | TestOutput | virtual |
printDouble(double) (defined in TestOutput) | TestOutput | virtual |
printEclipseErrorInFileOnLine(SimpleString file, int lineNumber) (defined in TestOutput) | TestOutput | protectedvirtual |
printErrorInFileOnLineFormattedForWorkingEnvironment(SimpleString testFile, int lineNumber) (defined in TestOutput) | TestOutput | protected |
printFailureInTest(SimpleString testName) (defined in TestOutput) | TestOutput | protected |
printFailureMessage(SimpleString reason) (defined in TestOutput) | TestOutput | protected |
printFileAndLineForFailure(const TestFailure &failure) (defined in TestOutput) | TestOutput | protected |
printFileAndLineForTestAndFailure(const TestFailure &failure) (defined in TestOutput) | TestOutput | protected |
printHex(long) (defined in TestOutput) | TestOutput | virtual |
printProgressIndicator() (defined in TestOutput) | TestOutput | protectedvirtual |
printTestRun(int number, int total) (defined in TestOutput) | TestOutput | virtual |
printTestsEnded(const TestResult &result) (defined in TestOutput) | TestOutput | virtual |
printTestsStarted() (defined in TestOutput) | TestOutput | virtual |
printVistualStudioErrorInFileOnLine(SimpleString file, int lineNumber) (defined in TestOutput) | TestOutput | protectedvirtual |
progressIndication_ (defined in TestOutput) | TestOutput | protected |
setProgressIndicator(const char *) (defined in TestOutput) | TestOutput | virtual |
setWorkingEnvironment(WorkingEnvironment workEnvironment) (defined in TestOutput) | TestOutput | static |
TestOutput() (defined in TestOutput) | TestOutput | explicit |
TestOutput(const TestOutput &) (defined in TestOutput) | TestOutput | protected |
verbose() (defined in TestOutput) | TestOutput | virtual |
verbose_ (defined in TestOutput) | TestOutput | protected |
vistualStudio enum value (defined in TestOutput) | TestOutput | |
WorkingEnvironment enum name (defined in TestOutput) | TestOutput | |
workingEnvironment_ (defined in TestOutput) | TestOutput | protectedstatic |
~TestOutput() (defined in TestOutput) | TestOutput | virtual |